The book “The Giver” is
about a boy named Jonas who lives in a society with his family unit and is
about to become a Twelve. In this community there are many rules for every
individual depending on your age and assignment. Each family is made up of a
mom a dad a boy and a girl; you are not allowed to have babies unless you are a
birthmother, and to get a child to have to apply for one. Each December, there
is a ceremony were you change your age and new rules are given or taken away
from each kid. At the ceremony of twelve, the last ceremony, you turn from
being a kid to an adult and you get assigned for a job based on you volunteer
hours and what the elders think it is best for each. Jonas has no idea what his assignment could be
so he is very nervous for his ceremony of twelve which is approaching. Jonas father
is a Nurturer, he is in charged of all the newborn babies of the community
until they get assigned to a family unit; but he is constantly breaking the
rules, like for example, he brought one of the newborns to his house. Each job
in the community is very important in the society, but not all of them are
honored in there. Birthmothers have very little honor, but can also be
important to keep the society growing. As
each individual becomes old, they are sent to the old house and later gets
released which is a mystery for everyone in the community.
After reading this couple of chapters of this book, my predictions are that Jonas’ ceremony of twelve will come soon and will get assigned to his job. His whole life is going to change and he is going to be trained for his assignment. I think that his assignment will be at the house of the old because he has spent some of his volunteer hours there. Since this community has no idea what “being released” means, Jonas is going to find out and start disagreeing with the rule the society has. As time passes, Jonas will start to see life differently and will no longer think the way he used to think before becoming a twelve.