After interviewing the
book “The Giver” my predictions about the story is that Jonas, a little boy,
lives on a city where people like to call it perfect. Jonas has a really good
and perfect life until he grows up and starts to realize that the world he
lives in is full of dystopia. When he turns twelve, his whole life is going to
change and will realize the reality of world he lives in once he starts
training with The Giver. Jonas will continue to grow up and slowly change his opinion
and realize the reality of his world.
Lowery dedicated the
book “The Giver” "For all the children to whom we entrust the
future." When he wrote that statement I think that what he meant was that
this book was written for people who will try to be a good person with their society
and try to not convert or let anyone change the world into a place with dystopia.
People who will not let the real world
be turned like any other dystopian places such as the setting of the giver. Lowery
wrote that with hope of societies not turning into dystopian places.
I think that this book
is going to be about a boy named Jonas who has a perfect life in his society
and lives happily I there. When he turns twelve they are going to take him to
be trained with The Giver about the Receiver of Memory. At first he is going to
be okay with it even though he want sure about that, but later he is going to
start realizing what his world is really about and will no longer be okay with
his society.

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