Monday, December 15, 2014

Pain or Pleasure?

When Jonas stepped out of the auditorium, he felt different and separated; he really didn’t know what would become of him after he got selected in the Ceremony of Twelve to be the new receiver. After that moment he realized that everyone, including friends and family started treating his differently. He read his new rules slowly and carefully and he got rules that impacted him. In his first day of training he met the Giver and begun with the first pleasurable memory snow and sunshine. As he asked the Giver about pain memories the Giver decided to give him the painful memory of sunburns and the consequences of sunshine.  At his next day of training Jonas experiences again what he thought was seeing beyond when he saw Fiona’s hair, so he described it to the Giver and made him repeat the memory of snow to see if Jonas understand what seeing beyond means. At the end, Jonas discovered the color red and the Giver decided to give him the memory of colors.

“The Chief Elder told me- she told everyone- and you told me, too, that it would be painful.  So I was a little scared. But it didn’t hurt at all. I really enjoyed it.”  (85)

My opinion towards this quote was that it can see that Jonas is really confused now that his training has begun. The Giver was kind with Jonas and started transmitting the pleasurable memories at first, but later Jonas realized that the painful ones were about to come. As I predicted on page 83, I can predict that the fun memories will come first and then the painful ones.

After I read my way through the exposition and beginning of the rising action, my thoughts towards the rest of the book is that Jonas will slowly begin to understand all the negative sides of the world and why they decided to become a community with sameness. Jonas will try to gain power and will try to change something so the community has more freedom. In conclusion, Jonas will continue to experience the relationship between pain and pleasure and will see what his community is really made up of. 

1 comment:

  1. Andrea, I really liked reading your blog because it was very interesting and colorful and this really capped my attention to keep reading it! I also agree with you that there are negative sides of the world and that's why his community decided to go to samness, but in my opinion those negative sides are the ones who make people realize from their mistakes and also the ones who make living meaningful and when you have a community so perfect like Jonas community is, no one makes mistakes and we always learn from our mistakes. I strongly agree with your prediction because if Jonas gives more freedom to their community they will have a better life. It was great reading your blog!
